Project Hub
A Hub for Projects
How to.
Join, our discord to get direct access to us. or wait for it to grow enough.
Not every Project can sustain itself, because of that it needs a guiding Hands.
That's Project Hub, a little space on which we hold Project Prototypes to see how they are.
If People start to like and support them, then they will get their own Platform.
This will also include a Team of People, which will solely focus on that Project.
Project Hub
There are 3 Things, which make Project hub unique.
It's a Incubator for Project and Creators alike.
Project Styles:
1. Arechnocadia Originals
2. Arechnocadia Family Creations.
3. Third party Creations.
1. Project Path Creators
2. Supporter Path Creators.
3. Special Guests.
The Incubator allows for quick and controlled growth of a Prototype.
Prototypes are the first creation to showcase your Project, idea or Product.
To allow for a smooth start and to showcase your Potential.
Project Hub starts by focusing on Prototypes.
It allows for a enviroment able to help you grow your Prototype to its full potential.
1. Community Funding.
2. Testers, with proffesional critic.
3. A Stage to showcase your idea.
Community Funding
Community Funding is a segment on which both Paths can Vote for their favorite Project.
Project Path:
Unlocks Project Hub after lvl. 2+, which allows them to join Projects and create their own after lvl. 4+
Supporter Paths:
Is able to join Project Hub since lvl. 1 and also enjoy their extra features.
While part of their Role cost, goes into the Community Funding segment, which splits the money based on votes.

Now how do I get access?
To gain access to this tool you either need to join a...
Project path
On our Discord Server, you can find a section called Projects, on which you can find different Projects and their Project Roles for which you can apply for.
If you found your Project you will find a Guide on how to apply and everything from there will be shown and guided.
Supporter Path
On our Patreon Website you can choose which Supporter Role you want to get.
Choosing a Supporter Role will influence your acces on Project Hub.
So we Recommend checking out:
1. How to Start
2. Paths
work for the Faction
On some occasions you can find an application form through which you can apply for a Job in different Factions
Applying for a job in the Arechnocadia Family means many things, so you need to look out for what Role you are specifically applying for.
specific information
If you want to Support a certain Project and enable it to become its own thing with its own Platform then consider...
reccomending it
By simply getting the word out there of our Project and what it could help out and how much fun it is.
Will help us get the attention you think the Project deserves.
Helping us get more people's attention and thereby get more people to try and support the independence of the Project.
joining it
If you simply say you join a Project you yourself can show the potential of it.
Be it by playing it as a game and uploading it as a more freestyled experience or making it all professionale and going into it in a more Roleplay active case.
All is left to you, but what is not is the Future of this Project, but what will, will be the Future of your Story and Creation.
Supporting it
You can join a Project not just through the Skill based Roles, but also as a Supporting Role.
The Supporting Roles are one of the major factors deciding on the independence of the Project, as they directly fund it by joining and taking part in it, with a supporting Role.
So if you rly want to get it out there consider it, even watching as a Spectator will help it out a ton.